
Temporomandibular Joint Pain  (TMJ/TMD)

If you are having TMJ pain, headaches, ear pain, or neck pain you have come to the right place.  Diana Schwahn and Dr. Gabriela Vogel, our certified Omaha TMJ specialists, will address your problems and concerns with a specific hands-on approach as well as the newest technology available.

See Us in Action – Watch our Jaw Pain, TMJ, TMD, Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Treatment Videos

         Do you have a TMJ/TMD Disorder?  Ask yourself these questions.

  • Do you clench or grind at night and wake up with morning pain?  Some people will wake up with morning pain which can contribute to chronic jaw pain.
  • Do you wake up with sore, stiff muscles around your jaws?
  • Do you have frequent headaches or neck pain?  There is a direct correlation between jaw pain and neck pain.  Our experts will treat both areas with manual therapy and the latest technology to get a great outcome.
  • Does the pain become worse when you chew, talk, yawn, sing, kiss?  This is a common symptom for people with jaw pain. 
  • Do you have ear pain and have you gone to the ENT only to find out there is nothing wrong with your ear?  90% of people with TMJ also have ear related symptoms.
  • Does your jaw click, pop, grate, catch, or lock when you open your mouth?  Many people have clicking without pain which is normal, however, if you have a sudden onset of clicking with pain you should consult a TMJ expert.
  • Which medical professional should I talk to about my jaw pain, headaches or neck pain?  Of course your primary care physician may be able to refer you to the right person, but make sure you tell your dentist about your symptoms.  This will be helpful when you have dental work so they don't irritate your symptoms.  At Rehab Guru, we will work with you to relieve your symptoms holistically.
  • Do you have a history of trauma to your jaw?  (hit on the chin, fell on your head or chin).  If you have, then your TMJ may have started when you had trauma to the area.  Sometimes people will feel pain right away, or it may take years to present symptoms.
  • Have you had problems (such as arthritis) with other joints?  The jaw is a regular joint and can get arthritic.
  • Do you have aching in your teeth, teeth sensitivity and pain along the side of your face?  Pain in these areas can be referred from tight muscles in your jaw.
  • Is it hard to use your front teeth to bite or tear food?  Often taking big bites of food or eating chewy foods can aggravate jaw pain, neck pain and headaches.
  • Do you have habits such as nail biting, chewing straws, drinking only from a straw, chewing on ice or hard candy?  This can contribute to the development of a TMJ problem.
  • Do you have jaw pain and headache that starts in the back of your head and wraps around to your eye or temple? Jaw, pain headaches and upper neck pain go hand in hand and all must be treated to have good results.

If you answered yes to more than 4 of these questions then you most likely have a TMJ issue.

Give us a call for a comprehensive evaluation to address your jaw pain, headaches and neck pain.

TMJ/TMD and Posture
How is your posture?  Sitting posture and head position are key to treating facial pain and jaw pain.  Your personalized treatment plan will always include a head to toe evaluation with special attention to head position and posture.  There is also often a connection between upper neck alignment and jaw pain.  We always include a neck evaluation and neck treatments when indicated for our clients who have have jaw/facial pain.   We approach jaw pain working closely with your dentist.  Your dentist often plays an important role in symptom management and can create an occlusal device which helps with clenching and grinding your teeth at night.  

Common Treatments we use for TMJ/TMD

  1. Manual therapy addressing the cervical spine and mandibular position.
  2. Home stretching or strengthening program for the jaw, upper back and neck.
  3. Deep Tissue Laser Therapy to help with inflammation and pain.
  4. Dry Needling to the muscles with myofascial trigger points.
  5. Ultrasound which works to decrease the tension in the chewing muscles.
  6. Iontophoresis which helps to decrease the inflammation in the temporomandibular joint.
  7. Cupping to restore blood flow to the affected areas and decrease healing time.
  8. Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) - a device that sends sound waves into muscles to help loosen them and relieve pain.

call us if you experience jaw pain like this